Rocking The Tuxedo Dress

Rocking The Tuxedo Dress

Ideally a tuxedo is a formal evening suit for men, distinguished primarily by satin or grosgrain facings on the jacket’s lapels and buttons, with a similar stripe along the out-seam of the trousers.

Well, not any more. Women have decided to give tuxedos a feminine twist.

There are two major ways of rocking tuxedos as a woman. You can incorporate a tuxedo element with the buttons and style as a short dress OR wear it as a jacket over your outfit.

Rocking a Tuxedo Dress

Typically every girl needs a jacket she can wear as a dress. The tuxedo dress style comes with a lot of buttons and it ensures you are properly covered up. It is best paired with knee high boots and cool in color black. Your Little Black Dress can also be your tuxedo dress.

Wearing a tuxedo as a jacket also looks best if you have shorts on. The jacket just appears as a full coat and you still get to show off your legs. You can easily pair the outfit for a lunch date, movie date and if you change up your shoes, that’s a day to night look.

Check out your favorite fashionistas rocking the tuxedo dress;
