65 Stylish Fade Haircuts For Black Men Part 2

65 Stylish Fade Haircuts For Black Men part 2

Fade haircuts are characterized by a chic finish of gradual hair length tapering. It’s a skillful and laborious job but the result is truly impressive. No other haircuts can give that fantastic fresh and clean feel that fades do. Besides, such black men haircuts offer varied lengths for hair on the top. That’s why every new fade can look different and creative. The gallery below confirms that with vivid examples. Take a minute to check them all.

Gradual smoothed reduction of hair length in fades can be paired with edgy outlines at the temples, patterned sides, or a shaped top. As you can see, fade haircuts look equally awesome on boys, young guys and older men. For every setting where extremely short hair is a requirement, a fade will look better than a simple close cut or complete baldness.

65 Stylish Fade Haircuts For Black Men

Black men often opt for a high fade haircut, featuring complete disappearing of hair much higher than the natural lines of hair growth at the temples and back of the head. With a low fade hair disappears about an inch above the lines of hair growth, while a regular fade is something in between these two. As a rule, when you are going to have your first fade, they recommend to start from its regular type.

Tightly coiled natural hair can also look fabulous in high top fades where the top of your hair is standing in a vertical position, while the sides and back are trimmed to fade with a polished finish. More abrupt transitions between lengths can be achieved with temple fades.
