D more still when you actually have an event to attend. The struggle however is that we are lost of what to wear most of the time and thats the reason why its important to look out for guideline’s on how to look. For majority of the women, the struggle becomes more of a pain in the ass and this is wildly due to the fact that they already have too many things. I say to these lots, out with the old and in with the new… This statement is to lay empahsis on those people who derive pleasure in stocking their closet full of things that they absolutely have no need for.

There are other women who struggle and this is not because they don’t have a style, its mostly because they are not as creative as others when they go shopping so they are lost on how to match their attires especially when they have an event. For these categories of women I say to you ladies, Madivas have ot your back, for the formers, you need to let go of things you’ve had since your teens and for the latter you need to constantly go through the blog for styles that would inspire your choice.

Fashion is easy, although it might seem like a struggle but if you understand it then styling yourself for an event shouldn’t be much of a bother. For weddings its adviced that you need not dismiss the fact that you need to look good, therefore you need to search for a good style and if you have a good tailor then **Clasps Hands**. For the good style I’ve put together an aso ebi styles look book that am sure you would absolutely love,  
