Clothes have a way of making people feel good about themselves. Clothes tell stories, they show how thankful a person is and how grateful they are no matter what and where they find themselves. Since clothes are supposed to make you feel all of the above, if you find that what you have presently doesn’t make you feel fresh then you are stuck in a rut and to get out of this rut you have to find fresh pieces or fresh ways to revamp your style.

The perfect look for church has an exact formula which is; keep things modest, simple and perfect (near). Following these important point is comfort. A perfect look for Sunday means different things to everybody but the above formula is what everyone follows to achieve their desired look.

Now, because its Sunday doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear what you are comfortable and confident in, you need to ask yourself these questions to determine your comfort level.

1. Do I feel good when I wear this?

2. Would I be able to pay full attention if I wear this?

Once you have answered these question you can now proceed to finding the perfect look fit for church. Finding the look is however easier said than done, and so if you have to re-purpose your link, you simple need to go through your closet to re-purpose some of your looks but to do this you need inspiration and so we have created a look book with the perfect look fit for church (look cause you need to pull off just one).
