There are several ways people can show off their culture all around the world, one if to own arts and decorate your living area with artifacts from your country and the second one would be what you wear and there is of cause your manner and gestures.

While the manner in which you act can be a clue as to where you come from, a dead ringer of your heritage is always your appearance.

A typical African woman is know for her head wrap or head gear. The significance of a Yoruba woman’s presence at a function can be determined by her head gear. This was the truth in days past however we millennials have now appropriated this culture but in a good way.

In this age, we all know that the Gele styles is a western Nigeria culture which we love; while the other parts of Nigeria have their own history of head tying, none is as significant as the Yoruba tradition. It was important back then for to socialites to appear put together in their head gear.

Now, its no longer whose wearing it but the fact that it completes our aso ebi look. The aso ebi style looks empty without a matching head gear and so the trend became pipping hot.

There has always been different gele styles and today we are bringing you more looks that we hope would inspire you.
