Floyd Cardigan Collection Thrills In Its All New Ready To Wear

Floyd Cardigan Collection Thrills in Its All New Ready To Wear

Willpower: A person of innumerable qualities and strength with an aim for succeeding at everything she does. Veronica Omoniyi Ogochukwu Shokoya the creative director of Floyd Cardigan Collection believes Willpower is all that is behind her success from startup.

Veronica shares her experience: “Taking up responsibilities requires challenges and I was ready to overcome them. I started cardigan production February 2016, before then my intention was to get a good job but with the will and power to succeed in my venture I have been able to break many barriers and cross many milestones. A highlight in my career was when my work was showcased in the just concluded 2016 South Africa men’s fashion week”

In her latest collection, Veronica tries to describe Willpower with her Cardigans. Every knit represents a fiber of strength, character, will and power a person needs to succeed in whatever endeavor they choose.
No matter who you are or where you’re from, success is just a mile away but the journey to getting there requires that you possess the Will and Power to arrive.

The shoot for this collection was taken at the remote town of Makoko in Lagos state, a specially selected location to allow Veronica buttress her point that success is for everybody no matter who you are or where you’re from all you need to attain is the Will power. Luckily, you have her Cardigans to take you there.

On some looks in this awe inspiring collection Veronica inscribes the Lagos at 50 emblems to celebrate Lagos state which clocks 50 this year, her place of birth and where she has over and over again found the will and Power to succeed.
