PICS: #FreeTheNipple Movement Beginning To Trend Amongst Ghanaian Ladies

PICS: #FreeTheNipple Movement Beginning To Trend Amongst Ghanaian Ladies

One might not call it a trend just yet, but it seems to be a habbit picked up by a number of Ghanaian ladies, as one can see every now and then in town, and a few known faces are not scared to be a part of it. IT being the Free the Nipple trend that has existed on social media for a few years.

For those who are unaware, this is when women dress braless with a top that makes it very clear which part of their nipples are located. A very eye distracting attribute for any straight man. Not long ago we wrote about a few Ghanaian celebrities who had executed such in exotic photoshoots, however this time it’s going casual.

A few known social media personalities are also intending to distract a few men in their presence.
