Animal Prints & Monochrome Dominates The Way It Fits’ Latest Lookbook — Featuring Lasisi Elenu

Animal Prints & Monochrome Dominates The Way It Fits’ Latest Lookbook — Featuring Lasisi Elenu

“Exodus“ is the name of rising menswear brand, The Way It Fits (tWIF)‘s latest collection which features popular Instagram comedic genius, Lasisi Elenu.

According to the statement following the release: “Exodus” which expresses the brand’s signature appeal which is synonymous with sophistication and glamour.

Silhouettes from pieces in the collection are salient and razor-sharp, each representing a movement; a movement in fashion trend; from minimalism to maximalism; maximalism to minimalism. It expresses the revolving fashion cycle as ensembles are moved from simple to haute culture.

The Creative Director favored a subdued, natural palette of mostly black and skin tones with hints of red and blue. This was complemented by the involvement of embellishments all elegantly tailored and graceful while pieces came in shades of abstract and jacquard patterns.
